Monday, December 19, 2011

a narcistic noose

The fantasy was good while it lasted. For a brief moment in time you mamaged to keep up the charade that you were a decent human being, The scam is up. You are not in any way genuine. I dont even know if you are human. If in fact you are, I would have to say that you are definately souless. this is the last of futile energy that I will waste on you. im sick to death of the constant game, the lies yet you preach you are the walking epitome of make me sick...that is all I can say. you make me fucking sick

From: "T,Moore"
To: rob holmes
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 12:12 AM
Subject: you have destroyed and warped things so much im not even going to bother finishing

these fears have manifested into a defense mechanism, in which they distort your view and or interaction with men. the desire not to know any more pain feeds the drive to control your relationships, and not be controlled. yet it is just a perception of control. there is not such thing as control in love. shouldn't be that is. one has to love the other for which they do of their own free will. So to avoid the pain of hearth ache you don't allow your self to love. you in stead use. use meaningless men; their attention of any sort as comfort, but destroy any relationship which has depth. its in your mind that there is only pain at the end of the road. how do you know? if you dont follow the path to its end, if you don"t ever get close enough to find out, then your right all you will be left with is your own pain.

There is NO WAY to avoid heartache if you truly love. There will always be pain of some sort to come along when you are capeable of truly loving someone. People who try to aVOID HEARTACHE ARE NOT CAPEABLE OF LOVING... iNVESTIGATE THIS....GO AHEAD CHECK IT OUT...this is known,,it is not simply my opinion.

The highligghted startement of your OPINION =So to avoid the pain of hearth ache you don't allow your self to love. you in stead use
use meaningless men; their attention of any sort as comfort, but destroy any relationship which has depth.

very ironic that you said that I use meaningless men use thier attentioon of any sort as comfort but destroy any rerlationship with any depth...

i say nothing I lose I say something I lose...I lose nothing to say something neither do i gain anything but silence if Im silent -

the only relationship I have had recently is sadly very shallow in its existence ,,,and happens to be with you...It is already known we are of different opinions and views which both are entitled to be . But I feel very much like you have digested information and without anything further you have cast judgment and satisfied yourself with the experience having factual basis because it sits well with you, your perception and the situation as you see works for you because nothing else did so you are okay with it. Im not okay with it, it doesnt work for me, its not even close to what really is and in order to specify what it really is I have to resort to telling you its not and why I think that is...And this has never been successful communicating it only adds fire to the argument at hand. and while I have always felt the need to defend myself of your opinion...its nevr going to be effective because you do not use fact to differentiate your opinion from your judgments-

Nice justification rob holmes-if this were a true statement and not your twisted perception the results would be by far differentt,,,think about it...if what you believe in your mind to be the case...your presence would have been eliminated from the equation quite some time ago. what would i be doing with you?? use u for what?

First off man has ever provided me with one comforting thing EVER...not a diaper, pacifier, warm blanket, roof over my head, or escape by means of taking me away from reality by mind blowin orgasm that disconnects my mind from my body, haha cuz who does this really satisy the most?? Answer:The man who IS already disconnected his mind from his body before he started fucking you.......if I was seeking comfort at any time it would be a female that has EVER provided me anything close to comfort...grandma, mom, my girls, girlfriend- comfort food, comfort shopping...comfort warm snuggling blankets, cushy new shoes-NEVER once has the thought crossed my mind that I could/would or even look for "comfort" from a man- so sorry to disillusion your thinking with an opposition that doesnt really matter(to you its just another argument) is my defense to your offense...but since im being judged it might as well apply instead of just being heresay.

Second off- when I first met you I had such a radically different perception of who you were, what you were like, things you placed importance on, things you valued...and the concern you placed on how your actions affected another person. I thought you were caring. so concerned and just had a genuine heart that really wanted everyone around him to at least be comfortable and secure in thier surroundings...and if you couldnt make them happy well at least you had tried the best you could and provided comfortable living for them and concerned yourself with genuine well being. You had a drive and determination to succeed and damn anyone who might get in the way of that -if they didnt share your drive they were of little worth of your attention. Ihat was exciting and intense
very attractive ...and by all means if I couldnt match them strides you were taking, I was gonna give it my all to be right there behind you. Fear of you getting too far ahead and leaving me behind as not worthy was the only fear I had, I thought pure adrenaline would be enough to suffice where I was possibly lacking in endurance and stamina.
Adrenaline was not going to be a problem, or so I didnt think it ever would be. You made my pulse quicken, my heart beat faster and excitement flow through my veins. YOU took my breath away BUT you always gave it back to me-in the form of a hug, a kiss, your touch, that look you give with your eyes dark and intense and you bite you lower lip...its very vivid in my mind in my body and yeah it still makes me high. ALIKE NO DRUG !!
You were sooooooooo not my type-dark handsome, reserved, intense, directed and so fucking sexy. I wanted you...I wanted to be with you. I wanted to be your adrenaline, your high, your drug...I wanted to be YOURS. 100%, without exceptions, without reservations, without any doubt...I WANTED TO BE YOURS. your everything, your drive your reason your intentions ...even your purpose for existing. I just wanted to be yours. Never for a minute did I ever think to control that, or that you could control that, was never a concern or worry that needed to be considered.

After everything I had been through -miserable relationships, knowing miserable people miserable family life...YOU were different than anyone I had ever known but that was okay, I thought. I never really entertained the idea that we would be together, but I wanted to know you, I wanted to be a part of that "perfect little surroundings" scenario. I WANTED to know what it was like to be loved, respected, trusted and included in a genuine surrounding becuase I was genuine and had never found such a thing, barely even heard of such a thing, and in alll the peoples I had met was really beginning to give up hope that such people-lives-surroundings even existed.

So perhaps in the end,,,it HAS BEEN my perceptions that have been our undoing. Perhaps it was my own selfish nature that is at fault, because of course it is unreasonable to think of one possessing another as thier own...but with all my heart all my soul with all my being I WANTED TO BE YOURS therefore wanting you to be myne...Not to own or to possess or to control or dictate or for any other purpose than to equal that which I wamted to be...YOURS...somehow in all the energies floating around I failed to see this as selfish or self serving ...but it is in all factual purposes a very self centered idea. Wanting to be your self center I lost myself the minute I entertained that thought...because I cannot be found in your center. I wont pretend I know what is your center. I wont assume that you even know what and where your center is and I wont give you my perception or opinion as to where or what I believe to be your unbalances are...
I guess it would be most appropriately put in one final sentence of summary"

I can Never Be Yours...Because You Arent Mine...

loving a narcissist is hating the self

Fear losing their identity.
⋅ Fear dependency and avoid bonding.
⋅ Create rigid personality boundaries (won't let people in).
⋅ Are sensitive to everything that leads to bonding.
⋅ Lose interest in sex that leads to bonding.
⋅ Seduce and withhold to avoid bonding.
⋅ Minimize feelings that lead to bonding.
⋅ Get nervous when things go well or bonding occurs.
⋅ Pick fights and create uproars to avoid bonding.
⋅ Want more space or have to run.
⋅ Can't make a commitment.
⋅ Are indifferent to others.
⋅ Feel entitled to be taken care of their way.
⋅ Won't put up with discomfort.
⋅ Have complete control of the schedule.
⋅ Say to their partner "Just stay put while I come and go."

Read more: How to Understand a Narcissist |

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Infected Melody

Infected melody
Your ass-nine behavior infuriates me...
Your inattentive efforts to right where you have wronged...
Sadistic mentality and abuse not ceasing, just prolonged
Inconsiderate, ignorant, indifference -disregard
Once affectionate demeanor has turned as ice and just as hard
What of the foolishness to admit to loving you-
How can I justify any of it this bullshit you've put us through
Inflicting your pain, blow after blow, your masochistic tendencies,
destruction is all you know.
I have yet to wipe you from existence, as if you possess some unnatural hold-
but believe that your sissy -lala faggot fucked up ways
Are growing old.
I hate you
for the weak selfish fukk that you are...
Your ignorance and blind indifference to the control you have.
Your inability to feel
And communicate
And to be fucking real.
Ye, who would make such issue about non existent traits within yourself, yet demand them of me....
I’m twice the man in one woman that your panzy ass could ever be....
don’t talk, don't share, withdraw and hold back,
Refrain, nowhere to be found...and ready to attack
Non existent.
A real apparition.
Silence your misused weapon of choice-
Integrity -you don’t have any
Faults and misgivings, you have many
Honesty left you with no voice to utter your deceitful lies-
wallow in your filth, I will revel in your demise...
I'd die for you
You know that, and kill me everyday
You remain....
Master and solitary player in your own fukked up game....
I cannot believe this, truth you have no clue,
of hope you make a mockery...
Bred blackened hate twisted truth to your ways
Darkened all your days...
life’s blood spent.
Your infected deranged melody....
I wonder your intent
What will you say today
That hasn’t already been said
Why beat a broken horse, its dead
There is too many hurts
Remain unaccounted for
Too many excuses
That I cant excuse anymore
This has been going on for so long
You try to pretend as if nothings wrong
I gave you an inch
You stretched it a mile
And continued doing
My undoing all the while
Crying every night
Ignoring me or fight
None of this is right
End it I try
You won’t let it die
Constantly adding to the grief
I have to wonder your intent
Because you wont let rest,
What you say you never meant,



It was today
But happened long ago,
The boy I met
And belong to styll yet
became the man I’ll never know
and the lifetimes of dreams
I’ll never forget.

It was meant one way,
taken another
not the usual practice or habit
Of the one that I do,
Can never have,
And accept as my lover.

You think like yesterday,
that went an opposite way
When you objectively dice and masochistic- like slice
Everything you think you think you hear me say

I doubt I could
You insist I would
If we aren’t already running opposite directions
We definitely should.

No doubts in my mind
My heart’s an even bigger mess,
And to my disappointment,
My body styll responds to your caress

On those rare occasions
we speak the same language
Hidden messages revealed from a touch
The look in the eyes
The eyes that say too much
Flash for the briefest of moments .
And in for a big surprise
The loving turns dark and ugly
Thought was truth was found to be lies

And all those foul things you said, they are true
They happen to describe you

Same disaster everytyme,

The brain can barely keep track and caught up with the mind,
The situation unfolds as clearly as can be,
But styll theres always the things you cant seem to see.
You are so smart,
You know it all,
Better get down from your pedastool,
Truth shall see you fall.

Always the same you Act the way we do,
But who but you, always forgets
Theres always one more view??
That you seem to forget one might
Actually have , that it could be as true
As the visions of the misconceptions that perception leads to view

You are hardly perfect
I dont pretend to try
My truth is as good as it gets,
But you would rather lie
Your illusions of grandeur
Cannot be considered competition for me,
You berate and belittle
Ferocious vile spittle
Venomous words
Accuse what you do not see

Situations you twist and turn
Allowing more credit
Than you honestly earn
You hear what you want
Use what you can
Manipulating circumstances
Resorting to tactics

To make you more man
Inferior or insecure?
Definitely issues or a complex
Too much for me
When my utmost efforts barely receive a cynical scowl
And the way you turn the smallest of things,
To make me look so fowl
All you have done, how you put yourself out for me
In your mind make you so much bigger and better than I could ever be

Each and every effort
Met with disdain
Depleting all my energies
I lose so much with nothing to gain
I can predict your denial
I know you well
Whispered secrets
lovers promised
instead a
Fuck you and Goto Hell!!

By krptdnacnce, © 2007, All rights reserved.
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Friday, December 9, 2011

So quick to disregard
earlier promises
of thought to discard
I never imagined
few ever do
what in my world
Happened to you?
Only one in a world
the world to One
turning in an instant
Its over, finished...Done!
perhaps right for you
wrongfully done to me
the man I fell in love with
you could never be.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

eliminating waste

To the Lover I can no longer love,

I’m speechless. There are no words to describe how rejected, humiliated and betrayed by your actions, your words and your inability to seemingly uphold the commitments we have made to each other.
Every fucking time we have a disagreement, the result is the same. You leave. You say its over. You’re done.
But for two years now, you are never really done. After 3 days. A week sometimes two, you come back into contact. For a couple of days, things are like they used to be, you make me feel loved, missed, you lead me to believe that you enjoy being with me, that life without me has little to offer compared to when we are together. You even go as far as to say that no one understands what I’m going through better than you. We are in the same boat. THAT is all I have ever wanted with you. I gave you my heart. I gave you all my love and gave you the promise that we were in it together. I loved you and gave up my right to jump ship if the waters got rough. Willingly I would drown if our ship began to sink and if we gave it our ALL and that wasn’t enough, then so be it.
BUT that could never be it. You constantly jump ship of your own accord and leave me to battle treacherous waters on my own. Do you create these raging waters in order to justify bailing out? Do you intend for me to sink? Or is it your own inability to uphold your part of the commitment?
Hours spent trying to decipher your moods, attitudes and actions. Questioning myself over and over as to how we can end up in the same scenario time after time, no matter what I do? Why are you so quick to detach? You say that you need to progress and move towards the future. Yet every other day abandon the very idea of progress by excusing yourself of all responsibility by declaring us dead…over…Done!?!
You offer your help to fix my car, yet make obvious to all of us around that it is an inconvenience to you, that you have other things you need to be addressing, and if I want to go a different route then do so but if I go another route you are going to be pissed, you act shitty to me the whole duration of the repair, reiterating things as in “I told you so” and then act as if you are hurt by my outward display of confusion as to why are you fixing the car when its obvious you don’t want to ….so don’t fix the car if its going to cause such agony…and lo and behold you throw a fit, you leave the car unfixed and blame me for being inconsiderate of your intent to help and tell me basically to go to hell, you are not flushing life down the toilet with me anymore.
Really? Where did this come from? After weeks of being apart, another of your sessions, we get back together for 2 or 3 days after discussing your inclination to immediately end things for seemingly no new reason, I expressed my feelings of misgivings and how devastating these scenarios are to me: You pretend to hear me, pretend to care and reply that they are equally devastating for you and without hesitation, without blinking an eye, . Without reproach do the same exact thing, totally disregarding previous promises to withhold this action and try an alternative method of dealing with the issue at hand.
How can I prevent this outcome? It appears that no matter what I do, I can’t prevent anything. You obviously had somewhere else you needed or wanted to be and failed to communicate that to me; instead you manipulate the scenario as need be, placing the blame on me for my one-sided ever present self and lack of consideration to justify your behavior and to excuse you from further participation in this charade.
Well be a man and end it for fucks sake. Quit playing games and fucking be real. Do you honestly think I am the reason for your present stance in life? I wasn’t aware that you felt you had been flushing life down the toilet, so to hear that its my fault and you refuse to do it with me anymore comes as a shock to me, You come to this decision in the 6 hours of meditation once ridding yourself of your much dreaded ,position? Give me a break. Just more of your bullshit, mind games, that you constantly deny playing. So it must just be the outwards sign of immaturity and the ambiguous way you hint at communication attempts
I must end this. You never will. You don’t know how to leave well enough alone. And why would you? I’m the dumb bitch that allows you to desecrate our relationship., degrade me, make a complete fool out of me and although I swear to myself I won’t do it, I ignore your first attempts at reconciliation. You have proved over and over that you can’t be there for me as you promise, you cant be here with me as you claim to want to be. You can’t even seem to remember the conversations we have regarding such. If anything it gets worse and worse, your outbursts are more frequent, they last longer [periods of time, and I don’t have the slightest inclination as to what is going to set you off. It seems you pick and choose that as well, no matter how trivial the facts surrounding the issue are. If you feel the need for escape you act accordingly and you always get your desired result. I know you don’t see this. You never do. Always claim that I’m lashing out at you, acting in such undesirable ways that you are so put out by my mistreatment of you that you have no choice but to leave the situation. I know I’m so aggressive that you feel the need to shrink into your own invisible world, detached of any emotional attachment, devoid of any of your promises, no sense of responsibility to the relationship whatsoever and no sign visible of the man who just minutes, hours or days before professed nothing but love and willingness to dedicate himself to this endeavor.
You’re fake, phony, hypocritical and extremely unrealistic. You choose to view the events with your own twisted misconceptions of truth, placing blame on anything or anyone, but never yourself or your actions, effortlessly the justifications for anything one might perceive as anything less than flawless on your part. Your view of yourself as nearing sainthood motivated by nothing other than care and concern, , always of the best intent wounded by the cruel abuse of a good for nothing 2 dollar whore .
Always I have adhered to our promise to each other that it was worth it, and to not give up. No matter how brutal, harsh or undeserving of the onslaught of name calling, accusations and threats to sever ties you constantly feel the need to unleash, I have never refused you access back in, acknowledgement of any reasonable attempts at reconciliation , nor refused any expressed need for understanding or wanting to reconnect. Can you say the same? You can toot your own horn all you want; I know the difference between the REAL and that which is portrayed as real.
Although my heartfelt wish is for you to one day see the bigger picture and assess the damage done in its proper perspective, knowing that it if and when that miraculous happening takes place, it will be far too late to be of any positive contribution. This is not a bash session as you might usually make of our arguments, had you been of a concerned and hopeful mind for the future one might consider it a plea to realize, to help me understand your apparent hesitation and consider seeking professional help. However that would mean I still had hopes of expectations being fulfilled and promises carried out , and a reality that will never ever be.
Complete devastation of my dreams for the future, spent happily in the arms, heart and mind of the man I love. There is nothing remaining of what once was to carry forward into the future leaving almost invisible traces of itself in the present . Hours, days weeks and months spent desperately trying to hold onto what you so easily disregard and let crumble to ruins. Over and over. The one thing you consistently did without any attachment of any kind.
I must really be the loser piece of shit you condemn me to be. What a waste of life to not be able to hold onto that which is most dear and made life worth living. Sadly living has turned cold and bitter and hardly worth welcoming. Am I truly to blame? I honestly did anything and everything I could, none of it ever holding value in your eyes. How can I love someone who has belittled me and made me no longer sure of who I EVEN AM? Why are you unable to remember your heart when you let anger take over and destroy anything good we have. Why is it you cant see the damage yo have done and continue to do?
And then I stumbled across what most certainly felt like the answers, but once again you will never see how my insane mind could jump to such looney toon delusional idea.
…..” The passive aggressive ignores problems in the relationship, sees things through their own skewed sense of reality and if forced to deal with the problems will completely withdraw from the relationship and you. They will deny evidence of wrong doing, distort what you know to be real to fit their own agenda, minimize or lie so that their version of what is real seems more logical.”
Am I onto something here?
…” The biggest frustration in being with a passive aggressive is that they never follow through on agreements and promises. He/she will dodge responsibility for anything in the relationship while at the same time making it look as if he/she is pulling his/her own weight and is a very loving partner. The sad thing is, you can be made to believe that you are loved and adored by a person who is completely unable to form an emotional connection with anyone.
aggressive will say one thing, do another, and then deny ever saying the first thing. They don't communicate their needs and wishes in a clear manner, expecting their spouse to read their mind and meet their needs. After all, if their spouse truly loved them he/she would just naturally know what they needed or wanted. The passive aggressive withholds information about how he/she feels, their ego is fragile and can't take the slightest criticism so why let you know what they are thinking or feeling? God forbid they disclose that information and you criticize them.
I think of the proverb, "Actions speak louder than words" when it comes to the passive aggressive and how ambiguous they can be. They rarely mean what they say or say what they mean. The best judge of how a passive aggressive feels about an issue is how they act. Normally they don't act until after they've caused some kind of stress by their ambiguous way of communicating.

……” subtle and veiled or disguised by actions that appear to be normal, at times loving and caring. The passive aggressive person is a master at covert abuse.
The passive aggressive avoids responsibility by "forgetting." How convenient is that? There is no easier way to punish someone than forgetting that lunch date or your birthday or, better yet, an anniversary.

The passive aggressive often can't trust. Because of this, they guard themselves against becoming intimately attached to someone. A passive aggressive will have sex with you but they rarely make love to you. If they feel themselves becoming attached, they may punish you by withholding sex.
….” Do you want something from your passive aggressive spouse? If so, get ready to wait for it or maybe even never get it. It is important to him/her that you don,t get your way. He/she will act as if giving you what you want is important to them but, rarely will he/she follow through with giving it. It is very confusing to have someone appear to want to give to you but never follow through. You can begin to feel as if you are asking too much which is exactly what he/she wants to you to feel.”

. If your spouse’s behaviors are ambiguous, you are constantly receiving mixed messages. More than likely you spend a great amount of time trying to figure out what was meant by certain words or actions.
The passive aggressive does harm by consistently failing to honestly express what they are feeling and thinking. It is impossible to work through conflicts with someone who sends unclear and insufficient information

Being in a relationship with someone who either can’t or won’t open up and be honest about how they are feeling or what they think will leave you anxiously wondering what your spouse’s intentions are. You end up either doubting yourself or questioning your spouse’s commitment to the relationship. Below are a few examples of ambiguous behaviors.

• June is upset with Jake over an unkind remark he made to her. June tells Jake that her feelings were hurt when he told her the house was not tidy enough and she spent her days wasting time. Jake reacts to June by saying, “fine” and walking away. June is left to wonder what “fine” means. Does it mean Jake will no longer make unkind remarks? Does it mean that Jake could care less whether her feelings were hurt or not?
June has no way of knowing whether she was heard by Jake or whether or not her feelings are important to Jake. June will naturally begin to make assumptions about Jakes feelings for her and you can bet that those assumptions will be negative.
• Jill and Joe have been talking about buying a new car for several months. Joe wants to buy Jill a car and Jill has a definite opinion about what car she wants. One day Joe comes home with a new car. Not the car Jill wanted but a car Joe felt was more appropriate.
Joe was willing to discuss what kind of car they would buy but when it came to making the final decision, he shut Jill out. He has sent Jill the message that although she can have an opinion, in the end those opinions weren’t of any value to Joe.

The one thing common in all three examples is the devaluation of feelings by a spouse. A spouse whose behaviors are ambiguous not only devalues their own feelings they devalue those of their spouse. When a spouse begins to feel his/her thoughts or opinions are of no value they begin to withdraw from the relationship. They are, after all in a relationship with someone who doesn’t seem to care so why should they care.
If you marry someone with passive aggressive personality disorder even the most reasonable expectation will go unmet. The trick to making a relationship with the passive aggressive work is not letting go of your expections but, letting go of the idea that your expectation will be met.

• Isolating or rejecting you without an obvious reason;
• Stopping you from expressing your feelings of love or ignoring them;
• Preventing you from getting your family's or friends' support;
• Showing sensitivity and caring one minute; hostility and resentment the next;
• Making negative jokes about you with his friends, while smiling at you the next minute;
• Attacking you in public with descriptions as "nagging" "controlling" "abusive" "coercive" and other words linked with abuse and control;
• Unexpected, unprovoked anger attacks, not related to the issue being discussed, but related to the experience he is having of you through his distorted "over-controlled child" lenses;
• As a way of frustrating you, and retaining control of the relationship he will show no interest in sex exactly when you feel that the two of you are connecting and happy together!
• Silence breeds separation and more hostility;
• In separation we assume negative intentions of the other
• Then we try to confirm that the other has negative intentions towards us by reading his actions in the worst possible light;
• Finally this growing hostile communicational divide generates hostility and mistrust. LOVE IS GONE!
, the refusal to accept responsibility for his actions, the blame he lays on me, the ambiguity, the lack of communications, his reluctance to say sorry, the failure to recognize his part in the problem, the withholding of sex, his negativity, his self absorbed attitude, his lack of encouragement or support, his inability to be empathetic. Basically, his me, me, me, attitude. I always thought that patience and compassion would win through
I cannot believe what Im reading yet believe it with 100% of my heart

How often do you look at a happy couple and feel a pang in your chest? You watch them as they gaze into each others' eyes and playfully steal a kiss. A faint smile crosses your lips as you remember the good times you had with your partner and your heart wonders where they went…
Do you sometimes feel alone when the one you love is beside you? Do you sleep in the same bed, but feel miles apart? Are you afraid of expressing your true feelings for fear your partner will become angry or isolate himself into his shell?
What would you give to reclaim those carefree feelings you had when you first fell in love with your partner, to be able to easily express yourself and have open, honest communication again? What would you do if the fear was gone?

Every time we got close, he pulled further away. I could SEE it happening. We'd seem to grow closer and closer, which made him feel invaded, so he'd push me away. I'd try to get nearer and he'd back away. It was a vicious cycle. If I complained, he would blame ME, saying it was my 'behavior' that drove him away."
"I think he loves me somehow and that makes it harder to cut the cord. But, if I keep holding on to the HOPE…the never-ending HOPE that things will improve, I will be in this same emptiness for ever. I need help to let go of him."
"I realized I could do anything for him but it might not matter, because nothing really changes. He is passive aggressive and I've never knew how to deal with him along those lines. I've always been thrown into the cycle of hurt and abuse, instead.

Wow sounds familiar
. He wouldn't remember any of my good aspects, but only the negative ones. It seemed that nothing was ever good enough for him. He had unrealistic expectations, and could only see things in "black or white." He would forget promises, make decisions without consulting me, and be very abusive. He blamed me for everything, called me names, and yelled at me. However, I was the only person he would treat like this. He wouldn't do it with ANYONE ELSE! After years it became too much humiliation for me. I couldn't cope with the sadness anymore. I felt hopeless and alone. I believed I had two options for my life; stay in an unhappy marriage, or leave my husband.
One day you are happy and contently living the relationship of your dreams. You love him, he loves you. You know what to expect in your relationship. Then, one day…BAM! He reacts to you with a lot of hostility, not related to the here and now, and you feel confused and hurt. Maybe things get back to normal for a while, and then it happens again. And, just when you feel you have made progress in your relationship your partner suddenly, and without provocation, withdraws from you and retreats into hostile silence. The cycle continues, with episodes occurring more frequently, until you feel lost and alone. He promises to change, so when he reverts to his old ways you feel dejected, let down, and alone…again and again.

The more frequently you experience the ups and downs of a passive aggressive relationship, the more you accept it. Doubts will seep into your mind about the validity of his words and you will wonder if you -perhaps- deserve this treatment. You will feel guilty because you can't make your partner happy and you will question his love for you.
Have you tried to have a candid conversation with your partner, only for it backfire or escalate into a full-blown argument? Instead of understanding and compassion you are met with accusations, verbal abuse, or deafening silence. Or, perhaps he seems to understand. He feels regretful for his actions and reaches out to you. You eagerly accept this act of apology because you are starving for the affection and attention you once had in your relationship. You think everything will return to normal. You are once again, hooked by the passive aggressive spell because eventually his loving behavior subsides and you are once again confronted with anger and aggression. You fear confrontation and slowly you become more and more a victim of passive aggressive behavior.
• Unexpected, unprovoked outbursts that are disproportionate to the issue.
• Isolation or pouting, or retreating into his world.
• He is oblivious to your feelings.
• Ignoring or blocking you from communication.
• Being sensitive and caring one minute; acting aggressive the next.
Hе wаѕ a magnificent man, thе Ɩονе οf mу life, mу heart. I nο longer long fοr hіm bυt I ԁο still remember thе longing I used tο hаνе fοr hіm.

• Your partner will procrastinate, leave work undone, or "forget" to fulfill his share of tasks.
• When asked about his problems, this person will make excuses or blame others.
• He is often found to omit information or lie; if confronted, his temper easily flares.
• He may be more prone to cheating in a long-term relationship or marriage.
• He may deny his behavior or claim he has good intentions.
• He denies his emotions and has a lack of commitment.
• He instigates arguments for any reason.
Dealing with passive aggressive people can be crazymaking. You feel dismissed, shut down, ignored… but in a subtle enough way that you don’t know how to react. At some point, you explode. Over time, this can turn into a vicious cycle: passive aggressive behavior begets anger and finger-pointing, which in turn begets more passive-aggressive behavior.
He begins to start fights for what appears to be no reason.
Some guys will do this because they know that it will feel bad if they just ditch you for no reason, so instead, what they do is start fights over nothing so that they “have a reason.” Sure, it’s a coward’s way to go, but that does not mean that he won’t try this. If you find that your boyfriend or husband is starting more and more fights for what appears to be no reason then this might be what he is doing.
A further sign is when while getting into these kinds of fights over nothing, he makes comments about how this relationship is no longer working or something to that effect
1. You find ways to avoid each other (You're at work while they're at home or vice versa)
2. The slightest conversation takes extreme effort and often ends up an argument
3. Your sex life is virtually non existent or being intimate takes extreme effort
4. Things you use to think were cute or sweet begin to annoy you
5. You can't remember what you saw in the person initially
If you agree to any of these examples then your relationship requires some work.
Even when a relationship is on the rocks it is still a good idea to talk to your partner so that you can both voice your opinions. You may discover that the problems aren't as dire as you initially thought and be able to make amends. And if you can't make amends at least try to part on decent and agreeable terms. A bad break up takes a lot longer to recover from and can be the underlying source to trust issues in a new relationship.
If you do decide to try to talk to your partner don't do it at home. Go out. Have something to eat and try talking over dinner, Try going for a walk or even sitting in a park where you are less likely to get into a confrontational situation.
Things to try discussing are:
1. Is there any way the issues can be rectified?
2. Is there a particular reason for the distance that has developed between you both?
3. Could counselling help?
If you do decide to give the relationship another go it has to be a fresh start. There can be no bringing of old issues into the new beginning. Forgive yourself and your partner for allowing the relationship to get to that point and agree to take things slowly. Bring back the spontaneity by going on dates, trying new hobbies and interests together. Relationships are hard work and require dedication in order for them to work but sometimes there is no amount of work that will fix the damage that has been done. If this is the case then talking is still advisable no matter how difficult it may be. Regardless of what has happened there was a reason for your initial attraction and genuine love for each other. Try to hold onto that during the break up period and reassure yourself that just because this relationship doesn't work there is no reason to believe the next one won't

Article Source:

The lie I live without you

Living a dream
proof positive I sleep
my life my love
and laughter
wasnt meant to keep
For now for ever
and always for you
something anything nothing
I cant do
Bargains in the basement
coupons in the attic
loves a force
energy electricity
with forever bartered
for a nightmare from which Ill never wake
exchanged my life, this living
that death couldnt take
grief then never dies
the heart that loves within here lies
a soul that searches
its mate never rests
for you for me
it suited
I, the captain best
sailor, liar,lover
certainty in jest
swap with heaven a past exchange
in eternitys disquise
hell! living; being without you
spending forever
wishing otherwise

Friday, November 25, 2011

Lie and breathe

such potential
yet progress stalls
your angry hateful words
im left without protection
stones concrete and bricks
make up these walls.

Long ago
manners gentleness and hopes for the future
hurting hearts
minds take care
rogues thiefs and charaltans
made become ...AWARE
he was so thoughtful
loving generously so
desire to be the best and intending to be
but a truth we will never know

hesitations, scenes, accusations
become secrets untold
no longer innocent
the beauty is fading
but still a gem to behold

mishaps mistakes
missed and mixed
our issues, to solve
Its over now they're fixed...
how that is...
your way or no way.
bullied by your attitude and perceptions
dictated and controlled by your fits of rage
you tell me how it is
you tell me how i am
you tell me what I think or what I've done
You find my faults quite numerous
as for plusses, you think quite few
Immediately resorting to the cruelest things imagineable
Acting out as if they were true.
You want to blame me...

Your actions are always of the best intent
and you wonder how I become so bogged down
with things you never meant.

you meant for them to hurt
Intended for them to sting
and brush the hate away with wire brush and acid
and pretend its no big thing.

For actions less than honourable
tendencies you no longer disguise
and when your tantrum is over
you win me back with crafted lies
words that have no meaning
promises you immediately forget
constantly reminding me
the actions I regret.

How can I keep forgiving
when you do it over and over again
and although you've promised numerous times
Its no different than its been?

I cant keep holding to hope
when no proof of change is clear
and you obviously can take or leave
the things that I hold dear.

so make a decision, I know I must
and change my longing to match your disgust
and say good bye to the man who doesn't love me
and whom I can never trust

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

slap in the face-

again and again
havent learned yet- WTF???when?????
fucking played for the same stupid bitch i've always been
For him I held a weakness- a soft spot, gave him all my heart
says we're gonna be together, yet makes sure that we are apart
childish games pretending all this time
never revealing true feelings and making sure that he annihilated mine
I'm in a lost and confused place right now
the only one of us affected by the situation somehow
he gets so mean, and says hateful viscous things
not oblivious to the hurt it brings
there is something wrong when you get too mad to care
especially after just deciding days before that we didn't want to leave it there
in that state of conscience mind that allows the relationship to decay
because its been neglected and dealt with that way.
what has happened to make it acceptable this long
Its not the way you treat someone you love
It's wrong
He questions everything
constantly questioning me
The guilty eye pointing the finger
resulting derogatory
destined and doomed
malicious intentional and without consequences
not factual but assumed
The shadowed darkness
that silence hid behind
left behind an angry portion of a man no longer kind
you wont see the mirror
the sun no longer does shine
your total discarding of any feeling
and complete annihilation of and disregard for mine
how can he say them
does he believe them to be true?
If he does then I know I cant believe he ever meant it
when he said "I love you"
he said I was stupid boring and dull,
in an instant got pissed and started being hateful
i dont know where it comes from
it tears me in two
it in't powssible to love someone this much
that hates you that much too.

a wreck

no steering wheel
get a handle on the bar

but then again the visions
shattered windshields and
dented fenders and nosey onlookers
passerby's hurried fast
and love in my life
and the losers of life
and that u-turn I just passed
ending of beginnings and started to finish last
put a foot forward
smile grin bear it and
ive forgotten how to smile
being with you all the while
laughter faded grass no longer grew
faded flowers undistinguished from the artificial
lost in false reality warped truth hidden from view
you're finally done with pretending
and im thoroughly done with you
loving someone you cant get close to
sadness that defeats the heart
can only lessen the hurting it does
when you keep it farther apart

seatbelt buckled, sunglasses on
crank up the radio and
get to moving on
outlook fresh
look out clean
wiped out versions
of what was intended
and what it really means
Ill pick the direction
and drive as fast as I want
and look upon that passenger that never sat in front
no longer a bicycle just me and a brighter view
cant help but hope for the best as I drive for the last time away from you

Monday, June 6, 2011

Final Chapter

Today I write

A letter to no one in particular that has little chance of ever being read, for its quite shameful in its existence- a final chapter of a book never written, while at the same time a prologue of sorts to the beginning of a new one of entirely different subject matter and of no precedence to require acknowledgement except to serve as a infinite reminder, to no one other than Myself.
It is a difficult Moment. It is Over. It is what it Is…
Everyday, before today, led to this occurrence today. Therefore it comes as no surprise. The “Warning, Caution, Danger and Dead End signs” were clear enough from the start, although set aside once commented on and disregarded continuously despite their “obvious” “Being There”.
Set to the way-side by your misleading perceptions of truth, your varying integrity (of course, situational, and by your seemingly diminishing intent.
No new tragedy has occurred, no new incident of unbecoming behavior has arrived to the scenario, after several hours of intimate deep discussion, the repetition of the same detached attitude comes to surface in an instant of outward aggression of anger without emotional connection hell bent on destroying that which fails to fall under its immediate control and somehow misses complete submission to its dictatorship.
All previously uttered statements of reassurance, accompanied by a self-justified, although stipulated and conditioned, but none the less aiming for direction of positive outcome become decomposing biodegradable foolishness that disappears in an instant. One is left with the bitter acidic foulness of a LIE , willingly told without hesitation, without concern and without any adherence to one’s own proud boasts of impeccable behavior.
You raised your voice. You called me by other than my given name, I believe the endearment was CUNT, You threw things, flipped things over, shattered glass, refusing to lower your voice, calm down or to regain self control-
5 hours of discussing acceptable solutions and behaviors that were not acceptable under any terms…you respond with a hateful uncalled for display of hostility, petty acts of immaturity and absolutely no regard to the conversation we just had.
You want anything and everything of yours back because you never want to see me again, this time we are really Done, even demanding your extra, currently not used by you internet adapter, so that I can’t find you online-, tell me not to call or text, you are going to have me blocked, do not come after you, and not to forget that We ARE Done!!
For about the hundredth time You have left again. You have lied again. Just like 2 days previous, and 3 days before that and countless times prior to that. You aren’t coming back.
Yet you refused to take your dirty cat clawed, hand me down couch that belonged to your ex and your scarred solid wood coffee table that you just moved in earlier this week, although you removed your clothes and the vacuum cleaner the previous time and insisted on wanting your adaptor back, but not concerned with removing your furniture OR giving me my house key back.
You gave me a diamond once, I was going to have it made into a ring…you demanded it back the following day. You have given me other things and taken them back as well, even a weed eater, the 20.00 previously left on the counter, you reclaimed.
You left me with a list of things to do all of them un-done because you said you would do them.
You left me with all the scars of everything you promised you would never do but made certain to execute every painful doing.
You left me with the ever constant reminder that this is nothing new. You do it every time. It has never been any different.
I am reminded of an event taking place that is unbelievable to anyone’s ear upon telling the story- You had installed additional stereo equipment in my car- an amplifier. The first incident of an argument you demanded it back although promising it was mine together or not…and then one day you once again decided it was over and was in process of texting me telling me how stupid I was, a loser, something as low as “FUCK YOU, everyone else has” and sent me packing from your father’s house, the amplifier overheated, in fact it melted smoke billowing out the backseat of my car…you responded with “Call someone who cares!!”
A year of this back and forth, and somehow you convince me that its all me, that I am the reason for all this, and that we treat people how to treat us-You actually believe that I deserve this treatment. You are wrong. I DESERVE to be loved, happy, and content-secure in my relationship and surroundings.
Although I have bended to your stipulations molded to your regulations and continued even though to love you without conditions, without reservation and without judging you your actions,
I can forget and forgive no longer, and no longer is the Welcome sign in place.
I have never been able to count on you and I won’t ever forget that or think that I can- No matter what you may and try to otherwise convince me.
Painfully the signs are lit up like billboards- now- STOP –DO NOT ENTER and NO U-TURN!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


im doing it without you

you are living without me
surviving a reality
never supposed to be
you are blinded by this strange hostility
and things you care not to see
ive loved you without restraints
resentments or controls
and sadly love you still
unfortunately you cant love me
without conditions
and you probably never will

a life we planned on together
seperated by the things you have done to sever

the opposite of love isn't hate
although you find that hard to tell
most certainly it is indifference
and you have taught me well

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lonely drive

I took by myself,
but of course let you
pretty simple
your distorted view.
no words of anger, in fact no feeling at all
cold hard and stoney -a wall
tired of a lifestyle thats become a usual thing
this will be the last of the them
just another fling
a parking lot as vacant as feelings in your heart
and empty gas tank a fukked off relationship
and a broke down car that wont start
but im not broken
im feeling rather strong
and looking forward to this journey
I should have taken all along
what created this chasm
ill never understand
back and forth
like a rubber band
one minute on
the next minute out
fighting for the love of it
pretending to work it out
your actions say so clearly
the thoughts you fail to speak
and once again future is history
forever has come and gone
inside of a week
always your course of action
to end it now we're done
so many ways it could be handled
yet you only know the one
no matter what the fight is
your stance results the same
Im tired of trying too tired to fight
too tired to play this game
ive never been so alone
on a bicycle built for two
and thank my lucky stars
although I have had my head up my ass
but my eyes constantly in the rear-view
the sun is rising
my spirits will eventually soar
as i pack my bags of eternity
on the road to never more
keys, gas, and attitude in check
my mind my heart, myself
I'm in my car
and I'm a total wreck
what a farce
fake replica of what I do not know
once again you packed my shit
and told me to go
be it childish or immature
promising different than it were
you want a summertime girlfriend
I am no longer her
at your convenience at your request
I always tried I did my best
doesn't matter never did
responding with bitterness
i wish you had somehow hid
for all those nights you made me cry
and promises oto never give up or say goodbye
we told each other its worth our time
but in the end you only chose to be wasting mine
grow up get real
learn how to love
YOU GET angry so mad you wanna hurt
Treating me like a pice of shit and bury me in the dirt

Monday, March 21, 2011

Like jeckyl and not unlike Hyde
I do You dont
See the other side
not pointing finger
one places blame
we see the others argument
but dont see it the same.
one seeing a life line
and the other sees a fishing hook
we call them issues, some might call them snags
This pieced together outfit
is simply tattered rags
we smooth out a section
and mend it back in place
Taking it for granted
that its something we can replace.
often waiting for things we intend to relay
Projecting instead those things in an outburst
That we never meant to say
a picture you paint for me
and when I describe it such a way
telling me thats untrue
because you always have a totally different view

one needs repaint the picture
not argue nonsense all day
how its handled after delivery
is what matters most
not the fact I burned the bread
and you refuse to call it toast

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Insignificant Significant

Insignificant significant
Ungrateful bitch
Hold jur tongue, silence the inflicted hurts
Significant bitch
The likes you have not imagined...but believe
The skars you will never see,
The molded manipulated me
The mild mannered never be
Masked in dezignz of skars you’ll never see.
Hold styll
Resist the urge to
No sneeze no sniffle-
Gag your mouth
Choke back the tears
Little shrunken coward girl
In the corner crouched in fear-
Resolve to
Never to,..
Had to
Fall down too
So hopeless,
The cause,
The claws
REFRAIN-Shut thy mouth…don’t fucking speak
Control doesn’t make you superior
Your insistence creates a freak
What means nothing to u
I n Significant even to you
Perhaps, by chance,
Not A deciding factor for you
And be it so of little monetary value
Insufficient as you view.
Although, little worth is hardly true,
I didn’t say a word…
Hold the tongue
If you ever doubted-
Know in fact it is true
Substantial damage exists within and behind…
The skars you will never see,
The molded manipulated me
The mild mannered never be
Masked in dezignz of skars you’ll never see.

perfect imperfections

perfect imperfections
My thoughta feelings and insecurities,
A poem if you will,
Truth is true even if you lie to yourself
It is Truth styll-
Right if you allow it to be
Solution like needs to be
And my questions, perceptions and unresolved issues
Of whats with you and me

Perfect reflection of an imperfect collection
Perfect is a lie
The truth is you and I
Is there no happy medium?
The choice is but to choose between yelling or silence?
Negative attention or no attention??
Supercharged or no charge at all??
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line
And the ability to keep a distance right next to me you have mastered just fine.
I don’t understand any of it at all…
Tyme continues to move on, we continue but not together, we just exist
Independently of one another, alternating ownership of an attraction meant to resist
Silence is by far better than the fight…I never get to choose,
silence when you want it to be and argument when Im right
And in the shadowed existence and distorted visions of what love is meant to be…
Lies the imperfect reflection of dysfunctional life-
The truth is YOU and Me
The unresolved issues, necessary but silenced words, put off for later consequently never heard.
Inflicted hurts, ignored wounds-like baggage perfectly packed
Fear prevents my bringing them up again-
Afraid of how you will react
Stuffed by silence instilled by fear
Why am I alone in this
When you are right here??
I question
Both myself and you
Im the only one who answers
I go out there you come in here
I come here
You stay there
I go there
You come here
Then leave me here
You go
You come back
But not to me,,,
How do you really?
And is it because...?? > I FEEL
The only answers I get,
Your actions directions and silence
the only answer you have given me yet…

You're content
If you are not why not make it clear
I am alone but you are near
Again I answer myself
I shed a tear
Alone as if you were never here
I go to you
You come at me
Backpedal -retreat -
Backwards defeat
Turn it around upside down
it repeats
I am here
Without you…
You have walked away
Mad angry ?? Nothing to say??
Same shit nother day
But another day has come

you by yourself

and me? I am Done…

Saturday, February 26, 2011

one way wrong way

together for a minute
it seems like many more
instances I am the object of his desire
in the next I am nothing but a whore
useless, worthless a cunt in fact
all the wondrous things he calls me
and never takes them back...
but take him back,
I always do,
even though the things he shouts
aren't even close to true.
One day its that Im a bitch
another its got to do with meds
Im sick I am twisted
Im fucked in the head.
then it seems as if his anger passed
and good for a day or two,
but seldom does it last
he forgets the things he tells me
promises broken incidentally
much different than the picture he paints
and always tries to sell me.
I love this man
the best way that I know how
but my best will never be good enough
I know this now
No matter what path i choose
he decides if I lose
whether we get along or fight,
decides who's wrong and whats right,
when to stay and why to go,
why that is I'll never know
he refuses to be realistic
or see his error in ways
and justifies his cruelty
and the mean things he says
to him I am a possession,
and one he readily discards
detachment is his middle name
loyalty he disregards.
hes wrung me through the ringer
hung me out to dry
no longer making me smile
he loves to see me cry.
walk away he always does,
needing no other reason than just because
he used to make me love him
and thought he loved me
but now i see that things can never be
accusations without supportive facts
cold heartless without love
is the way he attacks...
says he hates me
knows that I am a cunt
doesn't stand behind me
puts on quite the front
its over now
no more games no more inflicted wounds no more hurtin'
no more trying to decipher
what is certain
its quite obvious,
hes got what he wanted no more need to pretend
he doesnt act like he loves me nor as if we're friends
and every other day he decides he wants it to end
i deserve better
someone who is real
someone able to love and knows how to feel
emotions other than anger hatred and will allow time to heal.
when together its in secret, the multitude is unaware,
his actions always confirming
that he doesn't really care
he will delete his profile
rather than say in a relationship for a while
but li6ting singloe as his status
always makes him smile
his abuse-his mistreatment and pointimg the finger at me
defines the eact reasons why we can never be
but rather than read this and realise,
he'll claim its only more lies

it kills me-more and more of me dies
less and less of me tries

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My precious stone your precious Glass

Sometimes Im emotional and don’t quite know what to say
And out of respect and not wanting to fight, I just walk away
I know how this affects you, and will work on that somehow-
But know that’s when I need you to love me the most
Im trying to tell you now
There are those times when Im not sure the right way to act,
But if you love me as much as I love you,
We will both honor this pact.
Consider what we have is true
And honor it always in all that we do
Reach for understanding even when it seems there is none
And know that we will still be together after all is said and done.

My how time flies by us fast
Yesterday looking towards the future
Today it becomes our past
Not only did it come to light
That we are going nowhere,
You are cruel and want to fight.
Called me a piece of shit, telling me its over
Unconcerned and without care
Disregarding every word of our pact
You even went so far
To demand your diamond back
Ruining what you know
Is precious to me
Disrespectful and hateful,
Mean as you could be.
Showing nothing in the way of compassion
Or love
You turned on me and used against me
The words I pledged above.
You don’t want any reminders,
You don’t want me
You showed me
An extremely disappointing side of you
I never wanted to see.
You lack integrity, no honor to uphold
Branded yourself a liar with the untruths you told,
What a let down. You gave up quick
Thinking you could shit on me
And act a total dick.
Devaluing what I thought was precious
Our relationship –solid as set in stone-
Symbolized by that diamond
You acting an unforgivable ASS
Fucking off our relationship
Knowing it was made of Glass

the diamond wasn't real-neither was he

A diamond brings a sparkle to the eyes of the world
And lights up the life of this particular girl
A ring I will make and wear on my finger
And each tine you see it- may these thoughts linger
Fresh in your mind, Real in your heart
And strengthen our bond even when we are apart

If I don’t call you, I want you to call me.
When I walk away angry, I want you to know I will be back.
If you walk away angry, I want to know you will be back.

When I am quiet, don’t always assume or get the feeling like something is wrong-please kiss me and tell me you love me, I will tell you if there is something I am concerned about. Most likely I will just kiss you back and tell you that I love you for often that IS exactly what Im thinking

If you feel as if I am ignoring you- Give me some attention-Im probably feeling the same way and without realizing it diverting attention-the same as you do.

If I am crying- hug me, hold me- I’ll stop crying and then be able to explain- but I wont be sad anymore you will have taken that away already. I will know that everything is going to be okay

If you happen to sneak up behind me without me realizing it, grab my waist and pull me back into you and make me feel secure instead of startled.

When I lay my head on your shoulder I love when you kiss my forehead or top of my head and then lift my face to kiss you, because I know its not the same feeling as if I grab your face and steal a kiss. I love kissing you.

When I tease you tease me back until we laugh together so that there is no question we Are laughing together.

If eyes are the windows to the soul-make sure our eyes meet before we ever part and know I love you with all my heart.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


rant and rave-
give up fight to save
its gotten better or so I thought-
I try not to think about it-
It hurts me a lot...

you do your social thing
amongst those that do not know
and rather than change your single styatus
you let your whole profile go

what does that say ,
what does it really mean
things aren't in the open
somethiing is not what it seems

you want me to pack my past
and tuck it all away
in a wrapped bundle locked and sealed
Im not sure what to say

my pictures offend thee
you refuse to fight for or defend me
these fucked up mixed up signals you send me

your ex is on your friends list
a few others too
and rather than change your single status
you hide your profile from view.

this is far from finished
yet put it on hold i must

Friday, January 7, 2011

in death

In Death I shall Succeed
Failure looms all around me
Fears prevent me from being me
No one understands the voices that I hear,
They are not going away thats been made perfectly clear.
The taunts the ridicule this war inside my head
I cannot put one foot in front of the other, because Im just as good as dead.
In death I picture silence, something I so long to hear
And everpresent is the realization of everything I fear
Anxiety has reached its all tyme high
Disorder, mentally ill, Failing myself
I just want to die.
I don’t wanna fail you-you have given me so very much.
But Insanity prevents feeling Reality I want to touch
Derogatory, belittling, demeaning I am being demoralized each day
And nothing doing I can’t make these voices go away.
They hinder my emotions, falter my steps and progress? They paralyze,
And everyday a tad bit more inside of me dies.
A minute is a lifetime without sane thoughts intact
A lifetime of sanity is an unseen shore of reality in fact
If later comes, I finish this then
Otherwise death is where Ill be able to begin

2 faced

I came to you from a place far away,
of completely different tyme
myriad mazez
and criss-crossed lines
You dream,
And I walk the corridors of your mind...
You search,
Instinctively knowing
That one day
you will find...
You look,
and I wonder
do you see,
Could be,
you keep looking,
maybe so
if anyone will ever be…
most definitely…,…

If not at all,…
of course, I would
go there again,
with you…
will you,
even ask where?
Mesmerized and speechless
Held in tunnel vision stare
Will what is heard,
Be the same as it was meant?
And what I wanted to say ,
Be the way it went?
-your private thoughts,
transmit signals with intensity
a million miles away,
shatters my togetherness
left in
complete disarray
I saw
but didn't really see,
that all along
my reflection
had no recollection
of ever being me..
One day becomes,
Then, changes to the next,
Quite suddenly ,
I find myself
and that
I am
The present turns to past-
Reality of the moment,
But its changing way too fast,
Before I know it
Me has been replaced
The Other Me,
Last conscious thought
Known to either me,
She needs to be erased....or is it faced?
Today I woke up to the very same Realization- and I am shocked at how stupid I could be and have been and Good Golly What in this world am I going to do about it?  What 's first, second, should fourth been third and left five reserved? Instead of head on confrontations with conflict that addressed to my behavior is well deserved?
And someone with hindsight who turns to me blindly and asks me to translate in another language the played out parody that was observed.
to think Im so smart and I dont know a thing, my sense of well-being now disturbed?
Am I okay? Will this disorder persist? or am I? By the means of insanity dismissed?.

I Remember Seasons Change

Sun kissed rays of amber
A woven blanket of golden hue
Hold fast to the vision
For its days are numbered few
Heavy harsh and silent
Are the winter days coming fast
Days to put behind us on the calendar
Because it marks our days of passed
And springtime is the regenerated
Blossoming forth and some born again new
Eliminating less than desirable factors, the bad seed,
in lame terms meaning you.
The sun replenishes the spirit
And warms the soul frozen by winters harsh and solitary cold
Encouraging new thoughts and ideas
Replacing and rejuvenating the bitterness we hold
So when orange and yellow begin to turn brown
And falling leaves make cover for the ground
One perhaps finds solace in nature’s becoming
Where once only emptiness was found.
So the seasons progress
nature absorbs your pain
And although you’re cold and bitter
Summer comes again
Wrapping you in a blanket of golden amber hue
And this is how I want to remember you.

chopping block romance
I feel the Suns warmth upon my shoulders.
The breeze that caresses my skin or is it a lovers skilled calloused hands,
A moment imagined and a minute  for real...
But its an illusion …
Iin all I dream  and I feel
I feel the suns warmth for some tyme and I think
flowing oceans of love...I sink..
The suns warmth has warmed the sand no longer under feet
and echoes of laughter that mankind cant cheat
Lovers words spoken tenderly yet in a voice thats low and gruff
And I think out loud, to myself,
I dont use my chopping block enough...
screeching emitts from boiling waves
accepting of the warmth it craves
Did the sun warm this puddle,
the teardrop that has dropped?
light of the air;
then rise then popped
the bubbles, the wave, the water, the meaning of dreams
cared for but neglected, the chopping block, so it seems
tossing swirling circling the bubbles oh my
the sum warms  my memories of tymes gone by
so leaveing the outdoors I must go back inside
and clear away the unused chopping board I never thought  to hide...
I'll put it in the cabinet and get back to it someday
for now I wish the warmth of my lover to never go away...
The feel of the warmth from the light of the sun
My pot on the stove is boiling over
And my daydreaming must be

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

4 years 4 why

Hot tears roll down my face
grieving a loss , nothing can replace

my solid center , the heart of my soul
torn and rooted in griefs' fucking black hole.

4 years 4 why
wasted years of the calander have gone by
tyme that passes, unremarkedly so,
and styll its clutches wont let me go
I remain captive submersed

surrounded by loss, heldfast  by grief
4 years 4 why
no sign of  relief

as if tyme stood styll
haveing yet to move forward,
I wonder if I ever will
my solid center ,

the light of my soul
taken away

and left me unwhole
of remedies, of healing
memories of borrowed tyme

keep stealing
thoughts of the future

like a corpse thats turned cold
in an instant I went from infant

 to unbearably old
the reasons  the meaning,

validation for being-
Im left without seeing
for in my visions there was always you
strength to hold fast and beliefs that held true
and although I styll see your wonderful loving face
Im lost Im helpless

and alone in this godforsaken place
hot  tears roll down my face
4 years 4 why
grieving a loss I can never replace.
what does this future have in store?
It  really doesn't matter

I dont even care anymore
for I see nothing

 only pitch black
and all the grieving in the world
can never bring you back
so tyme that passes erases meanings

and reasons for being
cold lonely infinite grief

 is all Im seeing
Like a mannequin directed through the motion
an abandoned ship tossed about by the ocean
no direction no course
held captive by grief and remorse
4 years 4 why
alone I sit
I cry...

4 Y 2 whom

4 y 2 whom
and so it is,
and dies
revealing what it is concealing
sad but oh so true
never knowing
done is done.
unnoticed as signifigant
the other cries
and those that somewhere do exist
noone caring who
are the same and the one
fools believe
the caring that gives
is genuine who tries
and tenderhearted
believe foolish lies
and in the center
of those and them
that will never live in the hearts of men
another is shame that grieves,
souls apart from the none that decieve
when mished and mashed
become stuffed and stashed
and thats the salt ya should have dashed...
not necessarily
kewl enough to be a mystery
what makes it such is the self to be
and zero adds 0 is zero to me.
under looked and over stood
the silent the spoken
the hoped for
and in a miracle of a lifetyme
an unknown for a minute is understood

dezigned of grace
unremarked on
pretty face
invisible almost
like nothing
anonymous existence
nothing remains nothing
until disappearing without a trace
and barely recognize the unknown
which you just cant seem to place...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

another missed communication

I cannot hold you responsible for not loving me enough
And should have expected that you would get going
When  the going got rough

The greatest gift I could ever give myself
Is love
Because you never did.
C'est lavie to author's wealth
Finish this chapter
 and end this book
 and put it back on the shelf.
No one needs to read it,
For it would never be understood
And from front to back
cover to jacket
would ever be considered good
Just a waste of time, love and space
Misery evident all over the place.
You exceeded expectations then sold yourself short
Random experiences collected and left scars breed together
Imitating an unsightly wart.
You sucked up my confidence-
Bled me dry with lies
Humpt me and dumped me
Then apologize
Nothing’s worth everything
Left with what you brung
Worthless and quite stenchy
A big pile of dung
Memories of illusions
Held false within the mind
Keeping one focused ahead
On things better left behind,
So much for the  future
You never led me to
You were always   saying I don’t
But this fool here said I do
What your body language was betraying
All those games
 you say  that you  weren’t playing
LIFETIME CHOICE OF         sweethearts swayed by love
That survived taking the chance-
A dance you never heard of
Music never reached your ears
My words never touched your heart
You will never taste my bitter tears
And I’ll forever wonder why we are apart

Monday, January 3, 2011

I have lost

myself again.
"leave em alone and they'll come home waggin thier tails behind them..."
if what they said be true
what would be said of you
the signs were there
from the very start-
you took over my mind
and stole my heart
quick connect
just as quick detach
words and deed
didn't match
i fell in love with your potential
the lover you could be
and shared my dreams
and hopes of the future
with a man you'll never be
future thoughts
a neglected smile
little did i know
you were laughing all the while
I excused all your inconsistencies
and began to question them as mine
and all the things I knew felt wrong
but pretended they were fine
looking forward to a happiness
based on imaginary wealth
accepting blame for the defficiancies
taxing my mental health.
used to getting what I want
I cant get what I need
and you arent happy either
so Go On! you're freed

I Am Not

I am Not
Current mood: awake
Category: Life, Law, Love, Thelema
I am Not.
Childrens teasing sing-song
Knock knock
Wake up
Ding Dong!!
I am...
Sleep -
As the tymless womb
Death - like
Forces  grip
Silence -
We see
 For ever
a...wake.... A-waken-
A-wakening -unto thee

Amniotic Tomb  
Tymless womb
X2c is centered

Awaken Thyne X2C
ForEver unto Me
Say Not
Never Not
Forever Not
But always
Unto thee.

Another portal
I am .
A chance being

   Of TRuTH
      Of Y2K YouTH

Open Door

 as windows to the soul.

as pages of the book we turn
The flame from within

sometymes afraid to burn...
People's perception,

 Reality's deception
I dont know anyrhing for sure.
But I discovered a book that I would like to learn
My mind is open, as is your book
I invite you to take a closer look
My words may well be a door

 and quite possibly more than you are looking for.
I wasn't .

Im not but I would and I could...
My only intent was to be understood,
Perhaps this existence escapes understanding
One foot forward, up in the air, fall flat on my face
Am I taking off or fumbling my landing?
My thoughts, my fears, and desires ...
Everything I am,
 I  share from the start.
Perhaps not yet realized;
Keys to my heart

and secrets of this soul within.
This is how I'd like to begin.
The depths of me and this is an open door ,
If you are of the mind to find out more