Infected melody
Your ass-nine behavior infuriates me...
Your inattentive efforts to right where you have wronged...
Sadistic mentality and abuse not ceasing, just prolonged
Inconsiderate, ignorant, indifference -disregard
Once affectionate demeanor has turned as ice and just as hard
What of the foolishness to admit to loving you-
How can I justify any of it this bullshit you've put us through
Inflicting your pain, blow after blow, your masochistic tendencies,
destruction is all you know.
I have yet to wipe you from existence, as if you possess some unnatural hold-
but believe that your sissy -lala faggot fucked up ways
Are growing old.
I hate you
for the weak selfish fukk that you are...
Your ignorance and blind indifference to the control you have.
Your inability to feel
And communicate
And to be fucking real.
Ye, who would make such issue about non existent traits within yourself, yet demand them of me....
I’m twice the man in one woman that your panzy ass could ever be....
don’t talk, don't share, withdraw and hold back,
Refrain, nowhere to be found...and ready to attack
Non existent.
A real apparition.
Silence your misused weapon of choice-
Integrity -you don’t have any
Faults and misgivings, you have many
Honesty left you with no voice to utter your deceitful lies-
wallow in your filth, I will revel in your demise...
I'd die for you
You know that, and kill me everyday
You remain....
Master and solitary player in your own fukked up game....
I cannot believe this, truth you have no clue,
of hope you make a mockery...
Bred blackened hate twisted truth to your ways
Darkened all your days...
life’s blood spent.
Your infected deranged melody....
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