Sometimes Im emotional and don’t quite know what to say
And out of respect and not wanting to fight, I just walk away
I know how this affects you, and will work on that somehow-
But know that’s when I need you to love me the most
Im trying to tell you now
There are those times when Im not sure the right way to act,
But if you love me as much as I love you,
We will both honor this pact.
Consider what we have is true
And honor it always in all that we do
Reach for understanding even when it seems there is none
And know that we will still be together after all is said and done.
My how time flies by us fast
Yesterday looking towards the future
Today it becomes our past
Not only did it come to light
That we are going nowhere,
You are cruel and want to fight.
Called me a piece of shit, telling me its over
Unconcerned and without care
Disregarding every word of our pact
You even went so far
To demand your diamond back
Ruining what you know
Is precious to me
Disrespectful and hateful,
Mean as you could be.
Showing nothing in the way of compassion
Or love
You turned on me and used against me
The words I pledged above.
You don’t want any reminders,
You don’t want me
You showed me
An extremely disappointing side of you
I never wanted to see.
You lack integrity, no honor to uphold
Branded yourself a liar with the untruths you told,
What a let down. You gave up quick
Thinking you could shit on me
And act a total dick.
Devaluing what I thought was precious
Our relationship –solid as set in stone-
Symbolized by that diamond
You acting an unforgivable ASS
Fucking off our relationship
Knowing it was made of Glass
We learn of our weakness as our supposed strengths fail and leave us without anything to lose Criticism in lieu of encouragement will always be a detriment Love is a choice we hope the ones we love choose
Thursday, February 3, 2011
the diamond wasn't real-neither was he
And lights up the life of this particular girl
A ring I will make and wear on my finger
And each tine you see it- may these thoughts linger
Fresh in your mind, Real in your heart
And strengthen our bond even when we are apart
If I don’t call you, I want you to call me.
When I walk away angry, I want you to know I will be back.
If you walk away angry, I want to know you will be back.
When I am quiet, don’t always assume or get the feeling like something is wrong-please kiss me and tell me you love me, I will tell you if there is something I am concerned about. Most likely I will just kiss you back and tell you that I love you for often that IS exactly what Im thinking
If you feel as if I am ignoring you- Give me some attention-Im probably feeling the same way and without realizing it diverting attention-the same as you do.
If I am crying- hug me, hold me- I’ll stop crying and then be able to explain- but I wont be sad anymore you will have taken that away already. I will know that everything is going to be okay
If you happen to sneak up behind me without me realizing it, grab my waist and pull me back into you and make me feel secure instead of startled.
When I lay my head on your shoulder I love when you kiss my forehead or top of my head and then lift my face to kiss you, because I know its not the same feeling as if I grab your face and steal a kiss. I love kissing you.
When I tease you tease me back until we laugh together so that there is no question we Are laughing together.
If eyes are the windows to the soul-make sure our eyes meet before we ever part and know I love you with all my heart.
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